
Showing posts from January 13, 2019

How to reduce cost of a building

                 Low Cost Housing Low Cost Housing is a new concept which deals with effective budgeting and following of techniques which help in reducing the cost construction through the use of locally available materials along with improved skills and technology without sacrificing the strength, performance and life of the structure. There is huge misconception that low cost housing is suitable for only sub standard works and they are constructed by utilizing cheap building materials of low quality.The fact is that Low cost housing is done by proper management of resources.Economyis also achieved by postponing finishing works or implementing them in phases. Building Cost The building construction cost can be divided into two parts namely: Building material cost : 65 to 70 % Labour cost : 65 to 70 % Now in low cost housing, building material cost is less because we make use of the locally available materials and also the labour cost can be reduced by properly ma

Introduction to the Field of Civil Engineering

Civil engineering is the oldest and one of the most versatile branches of engineering. Every structure that we see around today is a creation of civil engineering. Civil engineering is the oldest and broadest engineering discipline among all the engineering fields. The field deals with the planning, designing, and construction of buildings and various other structures. From huge dams to sky high buildings, from suspension bridges to offshore drilling platforms, every physical concrete structure comes under civil engineering. The usage of civil engineering dates back to the ancient times. Most of the seven wonders, including Egyptian pyramids and the Taj Mahal, are the creation of flawless civil engineering skills. Some of the world’s oldest civilizations such as Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro are also the product of immaculate civil engineering. After all, how can one ignore the magnificent architecture of Rome’s Coliseum or the unique design of the great Eiffel tower?  Sub-Branches of Ci